Month: January 2021

Circular Economy Roadmap Australia

CSIRO, Australia’s national science research agency, recently released a report “Circular economy roadmap for plastics, glass, paper and tyres. Pathways for unlocking future growth opportunities for Australia”. It looks at “a circular economy, with an objective of reducing total waste generated in Australia by 10 per cent per person by 2030”.

For each of the consumer products mentioned in the title it presents the current situation, and a 2030 circularity scenario as a Sankey diagram. Here is the one for plastics in Australia 2018 and 2030.

Flows are in million tonnes. In 2018 only 4% of plastics were recycled. This is projected to increase to 50% in a circular economy scenario, even with a slight overall increase in annual plastic use from 3.41 Mt to 3.76 Mt.

Read more here and download the summary report.

Overseas visitors to Italian Regions

I confess I am not a fan of this Sankey diagram, but since the topic is kind of interesting I thought I’ll share it with you anyway… Ah, those times when you could just decide to pack your stuff and head off someplace…

This distribution diagram show visitors from non-European countries to different Italian regions in 2012. It is from a 2014 report ‘DATATUR trend e statistiche sull’economia del turismo’ (trends and statistics on the tourism economy) by the Italian Federation of Hotels and Tourism (Federalberghi).

The report has a number of these figures, distinguishing areas/countries of origin and destination regions. This diagram splits non-European visitors by country of origin and links them to the Italian destination regions. Data is from the National Italian Statistics Office (Istat).

All the crossing streams in the middle really create visual mess. Spaghetti diagram (as some people have labelled this type of distribution diagram) seems to be an appropriate term here.

What we can see is that in 2012 the largest group of non-European visitors to Italy were from the United States (34%), followed by tourists from Japan and China. And Americans like to travel to the Lazio region (Rome), to Tuscany (Florence, Pisa, Siena, …) and the Veneto region (Venice).

There is a newer report to be found on the Federalbergi website with diagrams based on 2017 data, if you want to check out any major shifts in tourists choice of destination…