Month: December 2010

Energy Flows Spain 2009

Another example of a national energy flow Sankey diagram, this time from Spain for 2009. To be found on page 40 of the recently published ‘La Energía en España 2009’ (large 10 MB PDF!) downloadable from the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (MITYC) website. This is somewhat more advanced than the one from Spain I showed in this post.

Flows are in ‘ktep’ (ktoe, ‘kilo tonnes of oil equivalent, in Spanish), and percentages given are in relation to the total primary energy (130.508 ktep primary energy in 2009).

Nice and colorful, indeed. But again a good example of how to make mistakes (i.e. violate the basic rules) in drawing Sankey diagrams. So, here is the Sankey didactics part….

a) Arrows should be (no: must be!) to scale. Example: See blue arrow ‘USO FINAL’ with 16.1 % in comparison to blue arrow ‘consumo transformación’ with 19.1%
b) The same arrow should not change its width …
… while it runs in the same direction. Example: light green arrow ‘USO FINAL’ gets narrower as it runs vertically before branching to the sectors ‘Transporte’ and ‘Indústria’. Very weird!
… when it changes the direction. Example: pink arrow from the petroleum arrow going to the sector ‘Residencial’ is much wider on the vertical segment than on the horizontal segment.
c) An arrow should not maintain its magnitude …
… as it splits into two different flows. Example: green arrow ‘USO FINAL’ splits into two flows of the same width leading to the sectors ‘Residencial’ and ‘Industria’.
… as other flows branch off. Example: blue arrow ‘USO FINAL’ continues with the same magnitude to the sector ‘Residencial’, even though a considerable portion branches off to ‘Industria’.
d) It would be nice to have labels on all flows. Many negative examples, especially on the right hand side of the Sankey diagram.

Anyone care to do a better version?

Waste management plan uses Sankey

Austrian consulting and engineering company Intergeo offers site investigation and remediation as well as waste management services. In a reference project for the city of Bourgas a waste management plan was developed. It shows the following Sankey diagram:

From what I understand despite the small print in the diagram, it is a breakdown of household waste in the city by waste types, and the different treatment paths (recycling, composting, landfill, etc.). Values are in ton/year refering to 2007. Waste fractions are color-coded.

Breakup Sankey

Found this breakup Sankey on Cliff Kuang’s blog, originally created and posted by Lee Byron.

Another very creative use of Sankey diagrams to show how couples split up. No absolute data given, and no percentages either, it is basically a decision graph with Sankey arrows. Some percentages given in the annotations.

Reminded me of this Sankey diagram for focussing on a societal topic.

Has the designer Lee Byron been inspired by his famous namesake’s poem?

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever the years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder, thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.

Ship engine efficiency visualized

Kongsberg Maritime has developed a ship engine room simulator that also features a Sankey diagram visualization.

The Sankey diagram is a simple bottom to top breakdown of the energy contained in the fuel input. Useful energy on the power train is shown as a vertical flow to the top, while losses branch out to the right. The display can be toggled between “MW” and percent.
This visualization is one of the “approach[es] Kongsberg Maritime has towards enabling the Green Ship”.