Month: September 2014

Energy Flows Romania 2008

I found the below Sankey diagram depicting Romania’s energy flows for 2008 in an article titled ‘A Macro-Micro Perspective on Sustainable Refurbishment of the Housing Sector’ by Ovidiu-Horaţiu Teleche, University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest. Published in Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Architecture & Urban Design, Department of Architecture (2012).

Flows are in ktoe (kilotons of oil-equivalents). Underlying data is from the Romanian National Institute of Statistics and Eurostat 2010. EPP is for ‘Electrical Power Plant’, CHP for ‘Combined Heat & Power Plant’, and DHP for ‘District Heating Plant’.
Note the small flow quantities where arrows are not to scale to be able to view them at all (minimum line width set to 1 or 2 px).

Energy generation is predominantly fossil (coal, petroleum, natural gas). Biomass is the most important energy source in the residential sector. The article doesn’t mention the reason, but my guess is on wood or peat “for preparation of hot water, cooking and direct burning in the stoves for heating” as mentioned in this article on biomass in Romania.