Kris commented on my last post, that there is an updated version of the Sankey diagram on energy flows in Austria in 2006 to be found in the Statistical Yearbook Austria 2009 on page 360 (page 6 in this PDF).
I also checked out some other Austrian sites and found one for Austrian Energy Flows 2005 (Energieflussbild Österreich 2005) on the Austrian Energy Agency website. It is a little more colorful, and has more information too.
Flows are in TJ. The diagram is divided into four sections, namely “Aufkommen” (emergence?), “Umwandlung” (transformation), “Sonst. Verwendung und Verluste” (other uses and losses), and “Endenergieeinsatz” (final energy use). The color code for the energy types is as follows: oil (pale orange), electric energy (red), coal (dark grey), gas (yellow), renewables (dark green), distance heating (light green), hydro (blue). On the right side useful energy is shown in purple, and losses are displayed as light grey arrows. (Thank you to my friend Leo for the translations…).
Yet another national energy flow Sankey diagram, and indeed a very beautiful one. Hope to see updates of it every year.